Welcome to the Wavefront Sensing in the VLT/ELT era workshop. This is the 8th edition of the highly successful workshop, focusing on the methods and technology behind wavefront sensing for Extremely Large Telescopes.

This year the workshop is taking place in Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom.

Oral presentations will take place in the Department of Mathematical Sciences & Computer Science, while the poster session will take place in Ogden Centre West.

For more information on the venue, directions, and local accommodation information, please check the Venue tab on the left, or click here.

We expect to start the workshop at 1pm on Monday the 23rd September, with registration available earlier in the morning and tea / coffee will be available from 12-1pm. We will finish at lunchtime on Wednesday the 25th September. A poster session will occur in the afternoon / early evening on the 23rd, and the conference dinner in the evening on the 24th. Final program and timings will be available early September.

Submissions and registrations are now closed. Please check back in the coming days for the final programme.

Session Topics

By gathering a large range of experts in wavefront sensing and instrumentation, we hope to cover topics ranging from:

  • WFS for High-Constrast Imaging (HCI)
  • Hybrid and multi-stage WFSensing 
  • WFS for extended objects
  • Disturbances (Water Vapour seeing, petals, segments, residual speckles)
  • Reconstruction methods & AI
  • WFS using photonics and integrated optics 
  • WFS needs for new applications (space debris, FSO comms, ...) 
  • Readiness of WFSensing for space-borne observatories
  • Laboratory and on sky demonstration of new designs and concepts

We are willing to get contributions pertaining both to the announced and planned 3rd generation instruments for the existing 10m-class telescopes (VLT, Keck, Subaru, Gemini, …) and the next generation of Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes (ELT, TMT, GMT). Bench experiments and pathfinders are particularly welcome.


Important Dates

Workshop announcement 1st May 2024
Registration open 15th May 2024
Abstract submission deadline 24th July 2024
Registration deadline 31st August 2024
Final program 16th September 2024
Workshop dates 23-25 September 2024


Oral Presentations and Posters

Oral presentations will be given in-person. We will not accept online presentations.

Presentation slots will be 20 mins, with 15 mins for the talk, and 5 minutes of Q&A.

A poster session will be available, taking place on the evening of the 23rd, on the first floor of the Ogden Centre West.

Posters must be no bigger than A0 size (W840mm by H1145mm).

For more information, visit the Presentation Information page.



Registration is free of charge for all participants.

Coffee, lunches, and the workshop dinner are included at no extra cost.


Header Image Credits

ELT Image (left): Credit: ESO/L. Calçada

Durham Cathedral (centre): Credit: Nazim Ali Bharmal

VLT Image (right): Credit: ESO/S. Brunier



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