Presentation information

Poster information

Posters should be A0 maximum size (W840mm by H1145mm) and we recommend following SPIE AT&I 2024 guidelines for the design.

  • Title: 36 point type
  • List of authors: 25 point type
  • Body copy should be double-spaced text: 15 point type

We cannot print any posters on-site but suggest,

as a company that can help you.

Talk information

We will use Office365 on Windows for presentations by default, and the opportunity to upload and preview your presentation will be available. All presentations must be uploaded before the start of the session during a break at the registration desk: we will not accept USB sticks during the talks. Please name your file with this format,


e.g. TUES-SMITH-ImprovedCentroidAccuracy.pdf

A Mac will be available but you must make it clear to the organisers if you need this computer : we recommend a PDF copy of slides be available (copied) together with the PowerPoint or Keynote file.

A laser pointer will be made available: if you have any accessibility needs, please inform the LOC and we will attempt to provide you with what you need.

Each talk should have a maximum length of fifteen minutes for the presentation and then five minutes for questions: a total of 20 minutes for each talk.

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